Friday, November 27, 2020

Invasives Late Fall: Burning Bush and Jetbead

 The groups interested in invasive plants are mentioning the Burning Bush and Jetbead since leaf fall makes them more visible in today's woods.  The burning bush is common along the Towson Run trail and Jetbead here and there along Cloverlea Rd and also along Towson Run.

We are not invasive activist but would participate if there is a group interest in cutting these plants back. If it was just trimming back it would be easy but there are the berries, regrowth from shoots and twigs, more complex than just whacking away.  

Some of the burning bush in cultivation in yards may be either native or cultivars that are less noxious.

Leaves of the Jetbead

Clump of jetbead on Cloverlea Rd south side

jetbead berries

Jetbead and burning bush invasive along the Towson Run trail.

Not currently mentioned and possibly less concern is the Winter Creeper, here on the south side of Rolandvue near Malvern.  Also Asian native, classified as invasive also.

Two views of possible winter creeper  along Rolandvue

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Fir Tree West Side of Cloverlea Rd near Lane

We looked more closely at the fir tree near 1007 Cloverlea.  The needles are green above with the silver or white stripes below. Considering the new Maryland guide to conifers, this may be a Fraser Fir.  The twigs and the bark are approximately right.

The needles and flat and do not roll between your fingers.  Removing the needles shows small circular divots in the twig.  Tips of the needles are blunt to indented. 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Pachysandra Terminalis-- Classified as an invasive in Towson Run

This is a common plant in the neighborhood, also known as Japanese spurge or carpet box.  The illustration is from an area of Towson Run near the Bellona bridge.   It is interesting in light of new publications classifying it as an "invasive" ,at least in some areas.  Invasive indicating an aggressively spreading non-native.

It has probably been along Towson Run for awhile, fits in with the surroundings, as it is along driveways and roadways.

"Invasive" Pachysandra along Towson Run

Mystery Tree along Bellona Ave near Towson Run

There had been interested in this deformed tree earlier but it was covered by porcelain berry vines.  Here is the photograph showing the unusual trunk.

By this time of the year there were no leaves so a challenge to identify from just a small twig.  No problem.  The leaf scars were opposite putting it in the MADCapHorse nemonic , either maple, ash, dogwood or Horse chestnut.  The terminal bud and the green twig indicated box elder, a maple family member.

Trunk distortions are called variously burls, galls and cankers.  Box elder, particularly female box elder can be susceptible. They follow injury and infection.  The infection can be virus, bacteria, insects or mites.  A trained cecidologist might make the diagnosis on sight. Maples including box elder are susceptible to the Nectria canker but this is not usually outward growth. This might qualify as a burl and disappear one night at the hand of a burl rustler.

Summary: Box Elder with galls/burls/cankers on trunk

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Pellitory, Three Seeded Mercury and Groundsel

And, for the end of the season a final couple of plants from the area,  but not yet seen along Rolandvue. The pellitory, possibly erect Pellitory of the Wall, has been seen occasionally but the exact  type of pellitory is uncertain.  There are various species. It has the clusters of bracts and flowers at the leaf axils. It may be Pennsylvania Pellitory. It is a candidate for "Whats That Plant".   This was on the north side of Rolandvue at the top of the hill, it is at least a relative of a plant from the Natural History Society Meetup.  From the Urticaceae family in can cause sensitivity and is also known as the asthma plant due to irritating pollen

Groundsel, Senecio vulgaris,  has yellow disc flowers,  somewhat like dandelion, but is a taller plant with deeply lobed clasping leaves(no petiole). There are fine hairs on both surfaces of the leaves.The flowers are in clusters and smaller than dandelion.  They go on to form white downy seeds.  It is said to be under reported, due to being inconspicuous.  A challenge.

Three-seeded Mercury or Acalypha rhomboidea is in the spurge family but has clear rather than the more common milky sap.  It runs about 1-2 feet tall, with unbranched somewhat hairy stem.  Leaves are lanceolate with pinnate venation.Petioles are about 4 cm.  Seeds are in tan pods.  The flowers at the leaf axil are somewhat similar to pellitory.  The leaf veins and the fruit are helpful distinguishing features.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Balloon Plant, Culver's Root, Canadian Horseweed

Here briefly are another few plants seen in the area, but not specifically located in the neighborhood.  Plants to be on the lookout regarding. (From meet up, Whats That Plant?)

Balloon plant (Gomphocarpus physocarpus) is an African relative of milkweed, which is probably only going to be in gardens.  It is a perennial in zone 8-10 but needs to be started indoors in colder areas.  The unusual inflated spherical fruit gives the many common names, bishop's balls, monkey balls, balloon milkweed.  It will support the monarch butterfly.  Leaves are sharply lanceolate, flowers small in the leave axils. It likes full sun.

Culver's root(Veronicastrum virginicum) is in the snapdragon family. A round smooth central stem may be 4-5 feet high.  There are spikes of white flowers on branches like a candelabra.  Groups of five leaves whorl around the stem similar to Joe Pye Weed. It is said to be widely distributed but not very common.

Canadian horse weed  native to most of North America.   Leaves are 2-10 cm, lanceolate with coarsely toothed margins on sparsely hairy stems.   The leaves grow up the stem in an alternate spiral. In some areas it is considered a noxious weed and is problematic due to resistance to glyphosphate.  It is preferred in making hand drills for starting fires.  There are some similar other Coryza relatives, similar characteristics.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Mulberry Weed, Another Fireweed, Panicled Aster

These three plants are from recent session of "Whats That Plant" at the Natural History Society.  They  have not been on the neighborhood list but are almost certainly here, just overlooked.  You can follow Whats That Plant on Meetup. The photos are from the internet since not yet locally noted, and for the same reason the description is brief.

Mulberry weed or hairy crabweed (Fatoua villosa) is a relatively new invasive proving hard to control.  The leaves are alternately arranged, triangular with serrated margins.  Both leaves and stems are lightly hairy.  Flowers are green to purple and at the leave axils.  Plants can get to four feet high.  The seeds are said to jump as much as four feet.  It is found in shaded disturbed areas but may also show up in nursery containers.  It is native to eastern china.

The panicked aster (Symphotricum lanceolatum) is another daisy-like plant very likely to be in the neighborhood.  The stems are between 1 and 3 feet, green to reddish, occasionally grooved, sometimes with a line of fine white hairs.  The leaves are narrow lanceolate, smooth margins, up t o5 inches long but smaller near the top of the plant.  Foliage may become purple in the fall.  The flowers are 1/2-3/4 inches with white ray florets surrounding the yellow disc florets.  It is most common in low areas with occasionally standing water.  Look for a reticulated network of veins on the leaves.

We see the eastern version of fireweed, Erechtites, frequently but less of the great willow herb, Chamaenerion angustifolium.   (aka epilobium).   The reddish stems grow to 8 feet in height. The leaves are spirally arranges, lanceolate, entire and pinnately veined.   There is a continuous marginal vein.  Fireweed implies a pioneer species colonizing open  disturbed areas. The flowers are pink to purple about one inch on a terminal raceme.   In war torn areas it is known as the bomb plant, since it colonizes craters.

So this is a BOLO, be on the lookout, notice for these plants, may extend the search into Lake Roland.