Sunday, December 16, 2018

Pachysandra Terminalis-- Classified as an invasive in Towson Run

This is a common plant in the neighborhood, also known as Japanese spurge or carpet box.  The illustration is from an area of Towson Run near the Bellona bridge.   It is interesting in light of new publications classifying it as an "invasive" ,at least in some areas.  Invasive indicating an aggressively spreading non-native.

It has probably been along Towson Run for awhile, fits in with the surroundings, as it is along driveways and roadways.

"Invasive" Pachysandra along Towson Run

Mystery Tree along Bellona Ave near Towson Run

There had been interested in this deformed tree earlier but it was covered by porcelain berry vines.  Here is the photograph showing the unusual trunk.

By this time of the year there were no leaves so a challenge to identify from just a small twig.  No problem.  The leaf scars were opposite putting it in the MADCapHorse nemonic , either maple, ash, dogwood or Horse chestnut.  The terminal bud and the green twig indicated box elder, a maple family member.

Trunk distortions are called variously burls, galls and cankers.  Box elder, particularly female box elder can be susceptible. They follow injury and infection.  The infection can be virus, bacteria, insects or mites.  A trained cecidologist might make the diagnosis on sight. Maples including box elder are susceptible to the Nectria canker but this is not usually outward growth. This might qualify as a burl and disappear one night at the hand of a burl rustler.

Summary: Box Elder with galls/burls/cankers on trunk