Thursday, December 26, 2013

Gopher Turtle at the Rolandvue Annex, Marco Island ,Florida

You can get images of this fellow online, but not with the photographer lying on ant hills in his bike clothes.  They have complex and deep burrows, common here in the"hills" of Marco. The elevation gives them some protection from flooding during hurricane season.  Like our gophers the burrows have second openings, the burrows are shared with other animals.

They are territorial, the males will fight each other.  They try to get leverage underneath each other's shell.  The fight ends when one is turned on his back.  They may be able to right themselves but after waiting a few minutes I usually help the loser out: a moral dilemma. Should nature be allowed to take its course?  He should learn to balance his aggression with some eusociality. Turtles could rule the world.

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