Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Foxes Return, one year later from first post

A quick cellphone video of the foxes,almost one year from the previous video.  It is breeding season which may account for the behavior.  The vixen will be digging several breeding earths under woodpiles and sheds.  The two today are probably a pair, with the female being darker and the male slightly (20%) heavier.

Cubs are born May to July, if this is the same pair as last year, must be getting at least 2-3 years old.  One type of behavior is dominance/ hierarchy, established early in life(by 8 weeks).  The subordinate approaches with body low, wriggling at the feet of the more dominant.  That was not at all visible with this pair suggesting more breeding behavior. Apparently they live in groups of up to ten equal vixens and dogs(male), but we have never seen more than two together.

Foxes will "surplus" kill, taking more animals than they can eat, making them more of a nuisance to farmers raising chickens.

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