Thursday, July 14, 2016

Rolandvue: 3rd Week July, Tree of Heaven

Another candidate as a tree to set your calendar is the Ailanthus or tree of heaven.  About this time of year the tree produces masses of keys or samaras in light green clusters, contrasting with the dark green leaves.  These seed clusters, like the mimosa blossoms have been appearing in the area(particularly along Bellona) since the beginning of July.

This is another tree with strong Yin Yang.  Venerated in asia, it was grown for a particularly type of silk worm.  But it is invasive, can have a strong smell, and is also known as the Tree From Hell, difficult to eradicate. It is allelopathic, producing chemicals to inhibit other plants. On the other hand, it was the tree that grew in Brooklyn, center of the novel.

large leave with pinnate pointed leaflets,Tree of Heaven

clusters of seeds in July, Tree of Heaven

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