Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wavyleaf Basketgrass (Oplismenus undulatifolius)--Something to Watch

On the Friday morning walk at Lake Roland Ed pointed out the clumps of wavy leaf basket grass.  This is an Asian invasive first found in Maryland, some say first at Lake Roland.  There are long roots or stolons spreading for many feet just under ground. This was on the green trail,on higher ground.  I have not seen it on the east side of the lake but is almost inevitably present.

It should be flowering shortly, so spreads by the sticky awns or by the growing stolons.  The seeds stick to humans and animals.  The family is Poaceae with relatives found as lawn weeds.  The pictures show a single plant and a transillumination of a leaf.  The long parallel veins may have something to do with the undulations.  The stiff center vein remains flat.  I will try to add a picture of a large colony, easy to spot.

Wavyleaf basketgrass showing the undulations in the leaves, an Asian invasive nearby

transillumination of the leaf showing the long parallel veins possibly related to  waves

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