Saturday, October 31, 2015

Box Elder Bug or Halloween Bug, end of Wagner, black and red bug

These little guys were following their script.  It was a south facing hillside along the far end of Wagner Rd.  They gather the end of fall for warmth, around the time of Halloween, this was exactly Halloween Day.  Typically near box elder but sometimes other maple species, check. There are a mixture of stages, adults more black, younger mixed red and black,check. They were not threatening or biting just a little yuck factor.  Do not know the timing, these were there during the sunny part of the day for at least a week.

Their next step it to find a warm spot for the winter, sometimes the nearest house. They can find a path through small cracks.  There is a pheromone associated with the gathering and a smell with crushing.  Elimination methods are a shop vac, soap spray , or insecticides.  For the long term you can get rid of the box elder but miss the shade. Sort of expected to find a praying mantis nearby.

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