Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Unknown (check photos first)

Not sure why this had not been seen earlier, may be seasonal.  From the brownish color,lack of chlorophyll, and the location over the beech roots, I am pretty sure this is Beech Drops or Epifagus americana.

It is related to indian pipe which has been seen. It is parasitic on the Beech roots, not sure if there are any advantages to the tree.  The root ball is small and superficial. Flowers are small and typically bloom August to October. No leaves. There are undocumented variety of herbal uses, cancer treatment and for skin ulcers. One source notes a bitter astringent taste.

The pictures are from RE LEE Park, but beech drops are growing just off the beginning of Rolandvue, between the road and the stream. Find the big beech tree then look on the side toward the stream.  Just before the first house.

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