Monday, November 18, 2013

Some Context

At the start of the ramble you were approximately 39.391 degrees latitude north and minus 76.690 degrees longitude west.  This is a brisk walk south of the Mason-Dixon Line, a little further south of  the southern edge of the glaciers in the last ice age (no natural gouged out lakes here). Lake Roland is all man-made.

Going east you would hit Lisbon, Portugal and Naples, Italy.  Going directly west you could walk to Sacramento, and then hit Korea just above the DMZ along the 38th parallel.  We are almost directly south of Ottawa and traveling south we would miss almost all of South America to the west,just passing through parts of Peru.  Time wise we are five hours ahead of London, although this may vary with the season.

Latitude can determine part of your attitude: climate, vitamin D, and the seasonal affect.  Let's concentrate on the winds.  The November wind rose shows the prevailing winds are westerlies.  Both frequency and strength are high for winds from the west.  Winds are predominantly determined by temperature difference between equator /pole and the rotation of the earth. Easterly trade winds are below 30 degrees, westerlies between 30 and 60 degrees latitude.

Baltimore is a relatively poor area for wind energy,winds average about 6 mph though gusts can go above 60 mph.  Wind generators are either west along Maryland's Back Bone Mountain or east along the coast. Wind power increases with the third power of wind speed. Our winds are stronger in the winter, January,February.

Wind can carry pollen and seeds for many of the local plants.  The classic example is the dandelion, wind-blown but requiring numerous seeds to compensate for the random distribution.  The plant needs extra energy and  that deep root.

Wind is an erosion factor, carrying dust to the east coast from as far away as the Gobi Desert.
Check your windshield.  Most of the dust is more local.

The moral is an ill wind may blow some good but a chill wind gets rapidly hazardous over 20 knots.

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