Monday, November 25, 2013

What's in a name(of a tree)?

Here's a coincidence.  Yesterday, a national newspaper, had an article about the monarch butterfly and the dearth of milkweed among monoculture fields.  In passing the article mentioned the biodiversity index of common trees.  The oak supports more than five hundred types of caterpillars and insects, the non-native gingko supports 3 species.

When you see the nursery ads about "pest resistance"(gingko) it also means "not part of the natural food chain."  There has to be a balance but the local native oaks appear to be doing well despite being a lunch venue.

Also yesterday toured a neighbor's(BC) new grove of oak saplings.  Maybe not a news flash for the NYT but a small step, anticipating their advice on what to plant.  The second best time to plant oak trees, next to twenty years ago.  So it's a process of observing, categorizing, and occasionally taking action.

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