Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The first noticeable frost on the windshield, seems a little late this year.  The frost dates for the area are October 29 in the fall and April 11 in the spring.  These are fifty percent before, fifty percent after dates.  If you had skin,or crops in the game  there may be difficult decisions.  The growing season is 200 days. But not every season.

Our hardiness zone is 7a implying a minimum extreme low temperature between 0-5 degrees (F).  The trees listed for 7a are the ones we see,beeches,maples, dogwoods and oaks. There is a more specific zone at, zone 32, taking rainfall and humidity into account.  The northward movement of hardiness zones is slow but posibly faster than trees can adapt.

The moral is that farmers and gardeners are serious gamblers, and when successful true mathematicians.
Small change in Hardiness zone but a blink in geological time.

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