Monday, August 10, 2015

Agnostic Sunflowers--It is Always More Complicated Than That

As seen by the shadows in the lower left frame, these sunflowers are turned directly away from the setting sun.  I was expecting the usual  attraction to the sun as seen in time lapse youtube videos.  The turning of either flowers, leaves or both toward the sun is a form of heliotropism, like beach-goers moving their chairs during the day.

But it obviously varies.  More mature plants and more mature flowers may move less.  Commercial varieties may turn less. The stems harden and become fixed with age. There may be a preference for facing the rising sun. Some plants will turn back from the west during the night to face the rising sun.  Leaves turn as well and at least some of these leaves are facing the sun, though that may be random. Some plants have a natural turning rhythm even in a dark space.  Although this could be a protest over an unknown affront. The flowers are worshiping  the distant power lines.

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