Saturday, August 15, 2015

Solomon's Seal: Partner with a Gardner

Normally foraging in the garden would be more dangerous than the Deadly Nightshade.  Solomon's Seal keeps spreading, so your gardner may be happy with thinning the patch for either the young shoots in the spring or the rhizomes in the fall or spring. The name comes from the growth scar of previous years,on the root, said to give magical powers.

The leaves are alternate,entire, clasping the stem and have parallel veins. The stalks are smooth round and arching.  The photo is of a variegated variety. The spring flowers are bell-like single or clusters.  The dark berry is inedible. Consult your references for details on harvesting, preparation and precautions.  The root seems to get high marks for starch but not so great for taste.

This patch is just inside the white gate one hundred yards short of the end of Wagner, along the mulched driveway heading north.  Since this patch is so thick we plan to try harvesting 20% or so later in the year.

Addendum -We did find a compliant gardener and dug up a couple of rhizomes.  The seal pattern at the root scar is clear.  Since we are all likely related to Solomon there would be no harm in taking this design as your personal seal.  Now you need some hot wax and an actual letter.

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