Sunday, August 30, 2015

Arbor vitae or Eastern White Cedar :Profusion of Cones

It seemed like a heavy crop of cones along the driveway of 1009 Cloverlea Rd this year.  NPS. Gov has a couple of explanations.  The older trees bear more heavily, these are over fifty years old.  The trees bear in cycles of approximately five years, more some years than others. There may be more cones in years after stress.  How stressful was 2014?

The flat leaves are seem in the picture.  There is a history of using the inner bark and the leaf tips for tea to prevent scurvy.  The tree is said aid to have saved the lives of French explorers in Canada,Cartier and his men.  On the other hand the oil extract is said to be toxic.  None of the three foraging references mention eating the nuts, best left for the birds and squirrels. The photos show the height of the tree, emphasizing the age.  Under certain,usually stressed conditions these trees can last over a thousand years.  Then a close up of the nuts or cones, numerous this year.  Finally a mid-angle view.  No indication they can be used as Pine Nuts.

Won't get into the "not a cedar" thing.

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