Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Strange Fruit--Kousa Dogwood

The ripe bright orange-red fruit is featured today on the Charm City Farm notes.  The picture was taken on the north side of Wagner just east of the white shed among the Ginkoes.  You may have to take a few steps in at the red reflector, the fruit is on the house side and still green.

Charm City suggests waiting for red color, soft touch.  Consider just tasting the soft center and spitting out the skin.  This tree is not bearing nearly as heavy as is common, possibly due to the shade and the youth of the tree.  Will try it in a week or ten days.(Usual precautions/disclaimers)

Kousa(Cornus kousa) is native to Korea, Japan, and China.  This tree was cultivated but it is becoming naturalized.  It is resistant to anthracnose disease. Technically the more conspicuous white part of the flower are bracts not petals.  There are probably more accessible specimens around ready to sample.

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