Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Golden Rain Tree, Charles Street, Minor Mystery Plant

Jogging along Charles Street, one hundred yards north of Bellona(nearest Stevenson Lane), west side, I came across these trees that were unfamiliar.  Probably the  Golden rain-tree but there can be several plants with this bladder like nut.  It is said to be a large shrub or small tree to fifteen meters, approximately right, maybe a little too tall.  Could it be a cultured variation of the bladdernut tree and not the trifolia American variety?

 The black or dark blue seed inside the capsule is shown in the last photo.  Well,for any detectives out there I added a picture of the leaves.  The spicy smell pertains more to the flowers(if the bladdernut) but for fear of a bad mark from our teacher, I will go back and smell the leaves and the capsule. The Golden rain-tree is also in Naples Florida, a big hardiness zone leap, but internet allows it in zone 7a.

So the general category seems likely but the specifics are unknown.  Not mentioned as a foraging possibility in any of the handy references.

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