Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) Beginning to ripen

We met the Spicebush frequently along the old railroad bed above Towson Run.  There appears to be a group closer in the V where Cloverlea Rd meets Rolandvue(100 yards up Cloverlea).  Today the berries are just turning from green to red.

The leaves are alternate, oval, pointed at the ends, entire, and bright green.  When crushed they do seem to have a citrus, spicy smell.  Did not try the twigs.  The overall shape, small understory bush with multiple trunks seems typical.  A couple of the red fruits seemed spicy.
In the spring there should be yellow flowers prior to leaf growth.  Leaves may turn yellow in the fall. It is a native perennial.

Since this is a solo ID without  the Guide I may go back a couple of times, check where the fruits grow off the stem, taste the twigs, before actually sampling the fruit.

The photos show the overall shape of the bush, the fruit and what appears to be typical leaves.  The internet has pictures of interesting caterpillars eating these leaves, not noted in this group.  Also missed were the male plants, only the females bear fruit, another item to check.

Update: Another picture two weeks later (9/8/15), ripening berries with one bluish black. Still pretty solid, not much interest in adding to steak as yet.

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