Friday, August 7, 2015

Mayapple, trick or treat?

There are at least two patches of mayapple, one on the south side of Rolandvue a few yards from Bellona, the second on the northeast side of Cloverlea before the lane goes off to the left.  They grow in colonies like this as they come from a single underground root or rhizome.
Mayapple has an interesting partnership with a fungus around its roots which assists with nutrient uptake.

Stems with one leaf will have no flowers or fruit, stems with two leaves can have both.  There may be a competition with forest animals getting to the somewhat edible fruit.  This is another situation in which research and long term familiarity with the plant is needed before thinking of consumption. All parts of the plant are poisonous other than the fruit, the green fruit is toxic, so the margin of safety may be narrow. In addition some authors eat neither the skin or the seeds.

I let this mayapple ripen and get yellow and soft but was not tempted. Maybe in a year or two after more evaluation.  The leaves are commonly subject to a rust.

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